
        甲辰龙年· 2024中国实力派艺术家 郑祖斌专题报道

        作者:admin2024-02-23 15:35:44 来源:中国工艺美术家网





              Zheng Zubin, known as Boiled Ice, Mei Junzi, is the owner of Zide Zhai. Born in 1944 in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, he is a national first-class artist. He has been awarded the title of senior expert at the central level and a national senior researcher at the Ministry of Cultural Development Strategy. He has also served as the founder of the mutual learning between Chinese and Greek civilizations, and has won the Golden Award of the Central Media China Light. He is also a Red Boat Spirit Artist, the lifelong honorary chairman of the China Contemporary Artists Association, and the honorary vice chairman of the People’s Daily Art Appreciation Center.   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented Zheng Zubin’s plum blossom painting as a gift to Vietnamese national leaders. In 1972, he participated in the creation of the large-scale lacquer painting "Zheng Chenggong’s Recovery of Taiwan" in the Taiwan Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.   In 1976, the sculpture work "The Bust of Premier Zhou" made of bodiless lacquer art was selected and sent to the central government. "Spring Breeze to Drive Cold" was published in the February 1978 issue of the Art Magazine

              In 1986, "Hua Kui" was collected by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization. In 1993, the "Zheng Zubin Plum Painting Exhibition" was held at the Capital Museum. Mr. Zhang Ding wrote the exhibition name, Mr. Wang Guangying unveiled the exhibition, and People’s Daily, CCTV, and art magazines reported on it one after another.

              The 2005 World Chinese Boutique Exhibition "A Thousand Years of Plum Blossom Life" hosted by the Ministry of Culture won the International Silver Award. In November 2015, more than ten works of "Golden Reference" (in politics) were selected as the title page, insert page, and back cover. Several dictionaries, including "40 Literary and Art Schools of New China", "Top Leaders in China", "Touching the Most Beautiful Artist in China", and "Chinese Art" in Taiwan. The 7th China Cultural and Art Festival in 2019 won the Golden Pig Award. Lifetime Achievement Award. Chinese National Rites Specially Appointed Calligraphy and Painting Artists. Biographers compile "Chinese Artists" and "Contemporary Chinese Artists".

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